VivaKIT |
VivaKIT regular |
VivaKIT premium |
VivaKIT Premium
Become member and order your free of charge VivaKit Premium and we shall send you one by post. You connect this kit to your telephone line and then your telephone to kit.
VivaKit Premium is service for fixed line (regular phone lines).
You dial the desired destination, call will connect and directly disconnect, after some moment telephone will ring, You Pick the phone and start speaking.
This kit work all over the world, you do not need to order VivaKit Premium for a specific country. Anyhow we recommend to see ratetable for the desired coutry from where you want to use.
VivaKit Regular
Become member and order your free of charge VivaKit Regular and we shall send you one by post. You connect this kit to your telephone line and then your telephone to kit.
With Vivakit Regular you just dial your desired destination number and call will connect.
VivaKit Regular will currently work in 66 countries . You do need to inform us where you want to use it.
For example if you have ordered VivaKit Regular for Finland, then VivaKit Regular is usful to place calls from Finland. If you have ordered VivaKit Regular for Spain, then VivaKit Regular is useful from Spain only.
VivaKit Regular does works in other coutries too, but will be expensive and we highly recommend that you order VivaKit Regular for each country you make calls from. If you are regular traveler we recommend to order and use VivaKit Premium.